Git repository mirroring for collaboration

Developed for SIA "Autentica" in 2018
Tags: Planning Git GitLab

Turns out collaborating across organizations can be challenging.

More information

What do you do when you want to take a source code repository and mirror it across multiple organizations? You can use the built in functionality in GitLab for this, which is completely workable in most cases (provided that you won't run into issues with Git LFS objects). But what do you do when you want both of those organizations to be able to make their own commits, without breaking the synchronization?

What I did

I had to come up with a way to make collaboration between multiple organizations work. Now, the obvious solution would be to use a single hosted instance of GitLab somewhere and to simply have everyone collaborate within it. However, some organizations have corporate policies that mandate, that they must have the code within their own infrastructure, which meant a bit of mirroring and procedures built up around it. I got to do a nice bit of research for this, as well as to bring everyone up to speed!

What I learnt

Sometimes you get lucky and can pick the simpler solutions, for example, to have the direct mirroring happen one way, with any changes then later manually pushed back to the source repository, which can then be reviewed and included in the main branches. You don't have to automate everything, especially for relatively infrequent occurrences.

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