Curriculum Vitae

If you'd like to read my Curriculum Vitae (resume), then I've provided a PDF below for your convenience, which should show up in most browsers. I've decided to format it as a single page document, to keep it concise! To see my full work history and what other people have said about me, scroll down a bit further.

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<span class="grey-text text-darken-1 note-text"> It seems like your browser does not support displaying PDF files. It's probably better to just use the download link above. Otherwise I'd have to include additional plugins in the actual page, which would slow the site down for everyone. </span>
Originally I played around with the idea of the CV being generated on the site, but in the end settled on something simpler. The CV is actually a regular text document, which I made in LibreOffice. I've also decided not to include information that isn't relevant to my job, to keep it concise! If you have any opinions on the matter, feel free to share your thoughts with me!

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<span class="grey-text text-darken-1 note-text"> It seems like your browser does not support displaying PDF files. It's probably better to just use the download link above. Otherwise I'd have to include additional plugins in the actual page, which would slow the site down for everyone. </span>
Autentica logo

Software Developer

Autentica was my first serious entry into the career of a Software Developer. It actually started with the "Career day" event in my university at the time. One interview lead to another and due to some positive experiences, I was hired directly as a developer, sidestepping the otherwise common practice of doing an internship first.

I actually shipped production software within my first months in the company, benefiting a lot from the guidance and mentorship of those more experienced than me at the time. However, it wasn't long before I could give back to make this investment in me truly worthwhile - I quickly utilized most of the opportunities offered to me here, such as attending many development conferences, both internal and industry wide ones, practiced my skills in any number of greenfield projects and before long, was the one mentoring others and leading internal seminars.

Over my career at Autentica, I've worked on many projects for both governmental organizations as well as those in the private sector, including some in the top 10 largest companies in the entire country. Many of the systems that I've helped develop have been featured in the State Register of Information Systems (VISR) and some have even been considered critical for successfully conducting their business processes.

Not only that, but I've also explored numerous technologies and practices to make both the development process as well as the systems created by it easier to manage and reason about, more capable at scaling and achieving better error tolerance, as well as ways to increase their observability, security and even discoverability for the developers as well. It is in great part thanks to my efforts that we've benefited greatly from container technologies, IaC tools like Ansible and even APM solutions like Apache Skywalking.

Of course, it's not enough to be a technically capable individual or just to be right - software development is rarely a solitary activity, therefore I always strive to be a pleasant coworker and a positive influence upon others. In addition, this also means that i care not only about UI/UX or other metrics, but also DX - the experience that other developers will have with the fruits of my labor, therefore my code is generally well commented and has a nice amount of thought put into onboarding processes and additional tooling to actually help the other developers.

I'm also very much appreciative of the lovely people of Autentica supporting me in my journey and being so forthcoming towards my constant drive to improve myself and the projects that I work on.

RTU logo

Computer Science Student (first for a Bachelor's Degree, then for a Master's Degree)

I've decided to list my time in the Riga Technical University under my experience, since it was a formative period, during which I managed to learn a lot and explore a variety of topics, practices and technologies, as well as develop a few interesting software projects.

I think that it is too often when students are dismissive of the opportunities that are available to them and as a consequence don't make the best of this period.

In contrast, I went above and beyond:

  1. I participated in programming competitions (I even won a PS4 in one)
  2. I explored new technologies together with professors and other coeds (such as attempting to create a deductive database in MySQL, or comparing Oracle with PostGIS in regards to storage and processing of geospatial data)
  3. I attended scientific conferences, and many other events
  4. I somehow even fit in a peer reviewed research paper in there, aside from my main Bachelor's and Master's thesis

Of course, I eventually chose to pursue a Professional Master's Degree, which also necessitated a research praxis and a development oriented praxis, both of which I successfully did in the company that employed me at the same time, in parallel to my studies. Somehow the boundary between the academic aspects and what's a practical application of my career blurred and transitioned into the latter quite nicely.

That said, I still appreciated the time spent in the University and getting to learn many lessons even outside of lectures - such as undertaking the creation of a microservice architecture as a group project and eventually developing about 6 services in 3 different programming languages myself, because the other group members weren't able to participate in such a capacity.

Upwork logo

Freelance developer

Upwork was my first venture into being a software developer professionally. I actually started taking on projects and seeking out clients whilst studying for my Bachelor's Degree in CS.

The competition for projects was pretty tough, but it also let me learn and explore a variety of different skills throughout the development process. The technologies that I worked with were also similarly diverse, as were the domains:

  1. one week I was working on a visualization for stock price changes over time
  2. another week I was helping someone with game development
  3. yet another week I was doing web development

As always, I rather enjoy learning about new technologies and learning new skills. Thankfully I got to do just that, not being limited to a small silo and a limited set of responsibilities, but rather being able to gradually increase the scope and variety of projects that I could successfully undertake, as my skills got better.

Personally, I would have also enjoyed continuing being a freelance developer, however I wanted to experience how other companies in the industry handle internal development projects and consulting, so eventually I moved on and proceeded to gain a lot of useful skills and insights in my further pursuits.

My only words of caution about the freelancing industry would be to suggest that cost of living and other expenses must be taken into account when attempting to do this (especially since the work isn't always consistent, like a traditional 9-5) and that not only the importance of communication, but also that of gathering quality requirements cannot be overstated!

If you'd like to learn more about the technologies and practices that I've used, feel free to have a look at the About me and Projects sections on the site.

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