Developed for SIA "Autentica" in 2023
Tags: Java Oracle DB Spring Boot AngularJS Containers Docker GitLab GitLab CI

A public platform for conducting B2B sales for one of the clients.

More information

Here's a sales platform that was meant to introduce a certain amount of self-service functionality to conducting B2B transactions. The idea behind it was that it'd integrate with the aforementioned ERP/CRM system and would allow business partners of a given org to sign up for certain sales processes that were conducted, as well as review terms and rules, submit the necessary documents to allow their participation, as well as choose the services and goods that they're interested in.

What I did

While I personally wouldn't have picked AngularJS for the front end components even when it was popular (given how odd some of the design choices were), at least the back end solution, Spring Boot, was decent. Regardless, I both fixed various issues with the system, as well as worked on implementing new functionality. Not only that, but I also eventually split this application up into a separate front end and back end, so that the former could be migrated to something more modern, or even run as a container alongside the old one.

What I learnt

This whole system was like a lesson in accidental complexity. I feel like different developers will structure their code differently, but you can quite clearly see when someone isn't familiar with component based design, which is not the best thing to see in an established codebase - along the lines of JS files that are a thousand lines long and more. If anything, I'd say that this was a reminder to keep the various components in my front end solutions small and decoupled from one another.

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