Developed for Riga Technical University (RTU) in 2017
Tags: Java TomEE MySQL JavaEE Spring JSF PrimeFaces Linux

The first system that I setup from scratch myself for a University course.

More information

During a course at RTU, I had to work on an event scheduling system. In the course, the idea was to take an idea, do a lot of planning and eventually turn it into a functioning system. Not only did I finish creating the system, but I actually could set it up on a rented VPS, which helped me learn more about server administration.

What I did

For this project, I did everything myself, as I had noticed that many are capable of working withing pre-existing codebases, yet relatively few are capable of actually starting from scratch and achieving the same results. That's exactly what I set out to do this time.

What I learnt

This meant a bit of Linux administration: setting up JDK, an install of the application server (TomEE, if my memory doesn't fail me), getting a database up and running, taking care of all the migrations and finally deploying the app. It was a useful learning experience.

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